Similars (2022-2024)
the field / dusk (2022)
trees/foliage (2023)
embers / fall (2023)
fog / air (2023)
blue sky and ash (2024)
Similars (2022-2024)
Similars (2022-2024)

56” X 56” Watercolor, tea, graphite on paper

a painting in 68 parts

the field / dusk (2022)
the field / dusk (2022)

5 7/8” X 6 3/8” watercolor, graphite on paper

studies in dusk

trees/foliage (2023)
trees/foliage (2023)

5 7/8” X 6 3/8” watercolor, tea, graphite on paper

how the trees felt in Coburg, Germany

embers / fall (2023)
embers / fall (2023)

5 7/8” X 6 3/8” watercolor on paper

the smell of fire

fog / air (2023)
fog / air (2023)

5 7/8” X 6 3/8” watercolor on paper

studies in air pollution and war

blue sky and ash (2024)
blue sky and ash (2024)

5 7/8” X 6 3/8” watercolor on paper